The Big Amazonas Bush Bonanza shows how three Carbon Credit Projects threaten close to one million hectares of Pristine Rainforest. It describes the history of huge plots in the south of the Amazonas state in Brazil that are immersed in fraud and document falsification through a network of corrupt notaries. The result is shocking…
10.4 million hectares of cancelled fraudulent land registrations that gave way to new land-claims for massive carbon-credit projects that are poorly motivated and redundant. They serve nothing but the owners who generate billions in profits with little effort. Investments of a few hundred thousand dollar result in astronimic profits for criminals, rascals and opportunists who make use of poor legislation, inadequate enforcement and a still heavily corrupted rural real estate market. These “investors” deliver little in return. Projects they implement add up to a pitance as compared to the money that flows into their pockets.
The paper also highlights the remarkable role of European investors in these transactions and plans, and the malfunctioning of major carbon credit verification bodies.